What does pregnant woman food notice?
During pregnancy, the baby body organs continue to develop, the need for adequate nutrition supply, if not pay attention to balanced nutrition during pregnancy, not only fetal growth retardation and dysplasia, the mother is also more weak postpartum. Increase nutrition is not to eat more more, notice the balanced nutrition in food however.
What do pregnant women eat to lose fire?
Autumn pear, known as the "one hundred fruit", is one of the oldest fruit trees in China. It is crisp and juicy, sweet and refreshing, mellow and pleasant. It has the function of clearing heat diuresis, moistening throat and lowering blood pressure, clearing heart and running lung, suppressing cough and phlegm, quenching thirst and producing fluid, and can treat pregnancy edema and pregnancy hypertension.
What foods should pregnant women not eat?
In everyday life, every food ingredient has its own nutritional value, but if it is not fresh, sprouted, undercooked, or cooked by unconventional means, it may produce toxins that can harm your health. If you accidentally eat these foods, it may affect the gastrointestinal health of the expectant mother, or it may threaten the safety of mother and baby.
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